Sunday, February 7, 2016

Wintering in Yuma,AZ-January 11-13 , 2016

Note: the italic text is a contribution by Elaine; the non-italic text is Yvon's.

Jan. 11, 2016-Monday

I am on my way to work with some dogs in the park.
In the corner of my eye, I spy a dog walking across the road and empty lots. After a few moments expecting the accompanying owner(s), I suspect the dog is roaming alone. The back, west end, of the park is vacant for future expansion; and the dog is taking advantage of the open space; this dog is on a mission. Heading south west.

Walking along the wall that delimits the park, the dog does not realize that there is no way out in that direction.
So I watch with interest, prepared to approach the delinquent in the most friendly way, when he/she finds out the way out is the same as the way in: only one point of entry.

The time comes when we are both wandering the open space, well aware of each other. There is no sign of panic. Just a sense of apprehension on the dog's part about meeting a stranger.

Well, I just happen to have some treats in my pocket, small pieces of fresh meat (everybody carries those in their pocket, right? just in case?).
I find the very middle of the open space and gently sit on the ground; quiet and relaxed; I place a few treats openly on my knees; and wait. I have made sure that I am upwind from the dog; that the breeze is carrying the smell his/her way.

I observe a mid to large size animal, white and brown colour, friendly behaviour; a mix, I would say, with some collie and shepherd; and an amazing sense of smell. Right away, I can see a focus in the direction of the treat.

Within a few minutes, the treat is gently lifted hand. And a new friendship begins.
She (it is a female) right away reciprocate my calm energy and looks for safety. I oblige with great pleasure.

I lead her to some water, that she laps generously. She is in need of feeding and a place to rest; and she will take as much affection as she can get.

After examination, she appears in excellent condition, considering her situation. Her paws are showing some slight bleeding wear.
After being fed food and love, she goes in a most needed sleep. It is like she has been here before. Like she is returning home. And we are most pleased to help her feel at home.
Her behaviour is impeccable. Someone has put a lot of dedication to make her that way.

In the meantime, she fills a void in our life.

We call the Yuma Animal Control services. The officer confirms that, while there is no collar or tag, there is no microchip to identify her owner. We agree to keep her here to give her a more personal environment to recover, before bringing her to the Humane Society of Yuma; where I volunteer and have contacts. I know that they will make the best attempt to find her owner.

For now, we are a pack of three. Again. And we make the most of it while it last.

We have named her Brandy, because of her colours; and she looks like a Brandy.

Jan. 12, 2016-Tues.

We had made plans to go to Mexico today. With Brandy in the picture, it brings up an issue: dog sitting. Our neighbour, Heather, that watched the rescue yesterday and provided the water for Brandy, has willingly offered to care for her while we are away. I think Brandy pulled a string in Heather's heart too...

So, to Los Algadones, Mexico we go.
It's a hair-do for Elaine. A patrol through the vendor's stalls.

Oh! and a painting treatment for our folding table. These guys here create amazingly colourful hand paintings on almost anything you present to them. On the spot. I have seen some stunning work painted on a walking stick.

As we have to wait for the paint to dry, we find ourselves at the El Paraiso Restaurant courtyard's, with some friends. The place provides live music, sunshine, atmosphere, food and drinks. A recipe for a good time.

As we do most times, on the way back, we stop at the "Q" Casino for their inexpensive food.
We make it to the park in time for Happy Hour with our neighbours and dog sitters.

Jan. 13, 2016-Wednesday

In an accident in school, one of our granddaughter's suffered a broken finger. After a few days of pain and coveted attention, it's time for a cast.

Our Granddaughter just had her cast put on. She picked Nana's favourite colour. Way to go Emily. Big hugs & lots of kisses from Nana & Grandpere. Love you


Our girl Brandy is fitting just fine with our schedule.
Early rise; long walk, "the walk" that balanced packs do. Then feeding.

We have to be true to our plan with Brandy.
She looks healthy, rested and ready to move on.
We reluctantly have to follow through.

She travels well on the ride to the HSOY shelter; where we follow procedures and leave her in good hands, with an understanding that we will volunteer to foster her if no one claims or adopt her.

Document left with the HSOY shelter:


On January 11, 2016, approx. 9:00
at Carefree Village Resort, 3900 S. Ave. 8 1/2 E., Yuma, AR
apprehended a mid sized, white & brown, female, mix breed dog.
No collar.

According to the Yuma Animal Control officer, she is 5-6 year old.
We found her thirsty, hungry and very tired; with lightly bloody paws and a light limp in her front left leg and her back legs. Thin; her throat might have been altered (she never barks, but howls).

Very well mannered and respectful; easily adapts to and appreciate a pack; very close and submissive to pack leaders.
Apprehensive at first approach to human and other dogs.
Amazing sense of smell (likely due to a breed in her mix)
House trained; medium energy.
No sign of aggression to food, animal or people.
Licking of paws and fur on legs and back; also scratching.
Loves outdoors; definitely has been living inside.
Balanced dog:
-loves exercises (walks)
-open to learn and face challenges
-very affectionate (giving and receiving)

We decided to allow her to recover in our home before bringing her to HSOY.
We named her Brandy.

A sweet girl.
A heart thief!!

When she has been checked and gone through the process, we would like to foster her, until someone claims her, or she has a new permanent, forever home.

Yvon & Elaine Fauteux

Phone: 267 752 5703


We have booked to be at a Dinner Show at the Main Hall. The entertainment is an Elvis impersonator.
We are told he is very good.

Well. He is!
During his excellent musical performance, he got a whole following of females fighting for his scarfs and his autograph.
And he had to run into hiding after the performance to end the requests for selfies.
Justin Trudeau style!!!

Did I mention that this park is a 55+ park?
Is there an age limit for fun?
Talking of fun: tomorrow, Elaine is going on a bike ride. A three wheel motorbike. She has expressed some interest in riding.
A group of bikers organizes a day ride every Thursday.  Ron has invited her to go tomorrow. No destination yet; they find out when they first meet the other riders in the morning.

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