Thursday, March 31, 2016

Wintering in Yuma, AZ-Mar. 25-27 , 2016

Note: the italic text is a contribution by Elaine; the non-italic text is Yvon's.

Mar. 25, 2016

Ho my! how time flies!
Nine months to Christmas!!!
(I have just been told off for this observation...)


It was fun the first time. And we are doing it again.
Tubing down the Colorado River.

We have some of the die-hard from the last time; and some new recruits that want to share in the experience; even some from another park. The word is spreading around!

Nine floating devices were pushed out on the water of the river at Gateway Park, under the watchful eyes of the photographer at the Yuma Sun newspaper.

The water appears to be 3 to 4 inches higher this time; the river is moving a tad faster.
And the ride is on.

 One mile (45 minutes) of pure relaxation and fun.

Was there any water gun fights on the way? Well, that's part of the fun...

The trend is set; and everyone is looking forward to float again in the fall/winter.

Mar. 27, 2016

Julieanna's Patio Cafe is a cheerful restaurant oasis hidden in a tropical atmosphere with live birds and great ambience.
 There was four of us sat on the patio; an enchanted place set for enjoyment on this warm afternoon; taking delight in the shade of the palm trees, the food and the drinks.

 I failed to mention our service dog, Hanna; not at all disturbed by the presence of colourful and talkative parrots (macaws); not to mention the peacock, John Henry.

The food selection was presented on a short and simple menu.

I chose a refreshment that is a specialty for the season: margarita prepared with pineapple and cilantro; I could not imagine these ingredients together, so I chose to try it. The result challenged my taste buds; quite different and refreshing. Leaves a taste for more.

The food was well presented and elevated with a fittingly selected coulis.

All in all, the feeling of a pleasant dinning experience.

Mar. 27, 2016

On the way back from Happy Hour, we meet some neighbours that will be leaving soon; Elaine mentions that she will have to forgo her promised quad ride until the fall. She gets an immediate response: be ready in 5 minutes!
The mean machine appears in front of our place right on time, to Elaine's delight. Safety equipment secured, "see you soon" and they are on their way.

On their return, after a run in the desert, I only had to see Elaine's beaming expression to know that she enjoyed the ride.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Wintering in Yuma, AZ- Mar. 15-23 , 2016

Note: the italic text is a contribution by Elaine; the non-italic text is Yvon's.

 Mar. 15, 2016

It's spring. The temperature is heating up; in the 90's by day; in the 60's by night.
We thank this breeze that we cursed earlier in the year. Activities are better done early or late in the day. Pickleball is not so well attended in the morning; the evening sessions attract more participants.
The pool area has become a popular place.

I even saw some horse back riders in the desert, on the outskirt of town. Nice way to go. Have not seen much of that around here.

The ocotillos have come in full bloom; I love it.

Mar. 19, 2016

 On the first time we visited the Center of the Earth, in Felicity, CA, we learned about the dedication of a section, The History of California, to California on March 19, 2016.

On the same occasion, there was to be a celebration of The Pioneers of Parachuting 2016 at the Hall of Fame of Parachuting monument. The parachuters would do some free fall jumps in the morning and the flags of the United States and California would be carried down from the sky at the main ceremony in the afternoon.

What interested us most was the parachuting.

So, a group of us arrive on the ground of the Center of the Earth early afternoon and settle in.


We watch parachuters decorate the sky with their colourful glider/chutes and land on the grounds next to the exhibitions.

Out to the Casino nearby for a bite to eat; and back in time for the main event, around 16:00.

 The event is a classy affair, with live orchestra, political dignitaries and high ranking military representatives.


 Elaine can't miss a real picture opportunity.

The highlight for us, of course, is the dropping of the flags from the sky, with very skillful parachutists.
I can't get over their landing in such a small space in between the exhibits, next to the gazebo set-up for the officials.

Glad we can enjoy this!

Mar. 23, 2016

 We have had warning of high winds in the last few days. And today fits the warnings.

We can notice more and more empty spaces in the parks, as there are more RV's on the road, on their way home.
We are latching to the last days that we have here. Preparations are part of our routine, from now on. What a drag to have to think more than one day at a time.

But for today, it's full moon.
And another Howling At The Moon party in the desert! Yoohoo!
The crowd is smaller that in February; but the energy is just as high!

They arrive from everywhere, with the wheels to suit the terrain.

Is it him? he said he might not be coming this month.
Yes! he is here! Kelly Hughes made it!

"Red Solo Cup! I fill you up!
Let's have a party! Let's have a party!"

It's one of his best known songs around here; and the crowd is exuberant.

The early evening is filled with singing and dancing.

And the sky enhance the  show.
BBQ's are fired up and the spirit is to having a good time.

The full moon shows up in time to culminate the festivity.

Another great gathering to remember!

Everyone set the next rendez-vous to the fall.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Wintering in Yuma, AZ- Mar. 10-14 , 2016

Note: the italic text is a contribution by Elaine; the non-italic text is Yvon's.

Mar. 10, 2016

Pool party at Carefree Village.

Great pool party at Carefree Village. Great Beergaritas supplied by Sue & Duff. Music by the "The Dependable's ". Great food supplied by Larry, Janice, Caroline, Ken, Dorothy & Tom. Thanks to all

Mar. 11, 2016

We are babysitting 3 dogs. Having our "dog fix". Dogs I am working with. After a long walk and playtime at the dog park, we settle in for the night. Well, until the owners come back from their outing.
It's dark by now.

That is when we felt an unexpected, un-predicted strong winds from the west. The dogs start reacting to this sudden shaking of the trailer they were peacefully sleeping in.

We are out taking the awning and the sunscreen down; nailing down anything that could fly...
 The wind is sandblasting our faces, as we secure anything that could be moved by the wind. The strongest wind I have faced so far here.
And we live to tell about it.

Then I had to clear the sand from my body.
Flush the eyes; blow the nose; rinse the mouth; repair the sandblasted skin from my face, arms and legs (I know I should have worn my long leg pajamas...), rake the sand from my hair.
By the way, who left that window open???
It becomes a special task dusting using a brush and dustpan...

Mar. 12, 2016

What a wonderful going away party we had for 2 people that were very influential to us when we first arrived in Sunridge Park.

The day we arrived, Marg invited us to Happy Hour. Her words "you have been invited now; it's up to you; we will not invite you again".
That was our start to meeting some of the most awesome friends we have made in Yuma.
The laughs we have shared, be it games of baseball or just spending time together. Thanks go to Art looking out for me with our over zealous neighbour.
This couple from the first moment we met seemed just like family. We are going to miss you both. Happy hours will never be the same. 

We wish you well in your new endeavours & I know our paths will cross again. Take care love you guys.
Thank you to all who helped with making the going away party for Marg & Art such a success.
I know it was done with love.

Mar. 13, 2016

The ritual continues. A group of us are going for lunch at a local restaurant, not a chain restaurant.
It is named Happa's; Hawaiian food.

In the terminal of Yuma International Airport. On the concourse.
There are 27 of us; and they are ready for us.

 We are treated like special guests; it seems that everything has an Hawaiian touch, that the owner is proud to explain to us.
 The menu is simple enough and every dish reflects the theme of the restaurant.
The food, cooked fresh with every order, meets everyone's expectation.
The excellent service enhances the experience.

Another good choice, Heather.

Mar. 14, 2016

We seem to be able to find a reason to return to Mexico on a regular basis. Of course, it is never the margaritas...!!!

Hair dressing seems to be a common theme, be it a hair cut or another beauty enhancing procedure.
We have brought back some fresh asparagus that highlighted many of our dinners; and we keep coming back for more.

This time, we are on a mission: to find someone that could paint a sign for us (like only street artists in Algodones can do) that would be reflective of who we are and where we come from, to go with the plaque Elaine already had done previously.

We managed all of it, on a hot day; with the border crossing back in the U.S. being the most painful part.
The large crowd did not help the wait in the line-up in hot sun. The draw these days is the final supply of medication, liquor and decorative nick-knacks, on a last visit to Mexico, before the snowbirds return home.

Tubing down the Colorado River in Yuma, AZ-Mar. 9 , 2016

Note: the italic text is a contribution by Elaine; the non-italic text is Yvon's.

Mar. 9, 2016

Fantastic day tubing down the Colorado River. So much fun with friends from our park. It's not the age it's the state of mind.

In February, someone put forward the idea that it would be fun to "tube" down the Colorado River. Seemed like a neat thing to try and the thought started to develop.
March 1 was mentioned and the word went around.

As activities abound and schedules are amended from day to day, the date was later found unsuitable.
It was at one of the multiple community boardroom meetings (held around the pool, with one's favourite drink, commonly called Happy Hour) that March 9 was chosen as THE date.

The enthusiasm brought about various topics of discussion: transportation to and fro; proper attire to suit the weather and conditions; but mostly, types of flotation/propulsion devices. The latter promoting individual creativity...

So, today, being March 9, is the day!

There is 6 vehicles driving to the drop-in point, loaded with people (participants, helpers, photographers and simply interested on-lookers) and equipment of all kinds (sun screen stuff, apparel for the ride and after, propulsion and flotation devices with necessary inflating tools, etc...).

The drop-in point is located at the Gateway Park, in Yuma; under the I 8 bridge.
It is around 2:00 o'clock when the dip-in takes place under the watchful eyes of helpers and by-standers.
The count comes to 18 riders in 16 watercraft. The shining sun promises to keep the temperature around 85ºF, with a slight breeze from the west.

After a brief moment of "hooo" to adapt to the refreshing temperature of the water, and to adjust to the chosen floating devices, the water current and the enthusiasm take over.
And the ride is on.
It is about a mile to the landing point, at Centennial Beach.

We find out that the depth of the river varies from 6 to 42 inches; at some points, some navigators get grounded in the middle of the current.

The River runs from Arizona, at start point, in and out of California on the way, to Arizona at the landing point.
The ride is accentuated by some fierce water canon fights along the way, to keep refreshed.

Within about an hour, all the participants have landed. Amongst a lively crowd, the work start to pack up the gears and return to the park to enjoy the sun; and get ready for ...Happy Hour!

Someone called it a "seenagers" adventure!!

All in all, a very relaxing ride.