Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Wintering in Yuma, AZ- Mar. 10-14 , 2016

Note: the italic text is a contribution by Elaine; the non-italic text is Yvon's.

Mar. 10, 2016

Pool party at Carefree Village.

Great pool party at Carefree Village. Great Beergaritas supplied by Sue & Duff. Music by the "The Dependable's ". Great food supplied by Larry, Janice, Caroline, Ken, Dorothy & Tom. Thanks to all

Mar. 11, 2016

We are babysitting 3 dogs. Having our "dog fix". Dogs I am working with. After a long walk and playtime at the dog park, we settle in for the night. Well, until the owners come back from their outing.
It's dark by now.

That is when we felt an unexpected, un-predicted strong winds from the west. The dogs start reacting to this sudden shaking of the trailer they were peacefully sleeping in.

We are out taking the awning and the sunscreen down; nailing down anything that could fly...
 The wind is sandblasting our faces, as we secure anything that could be moved by the wind. The strongest wind I have faced so far here.
And we live to tell about it.

Then I had to clear the sand from my body.
Flush the eyes; blow the nose; rinse the mouth; repair the sandblasted skin from my face, arms and legs (I know I should have worn my long leg pajamas...), rake the sand from my hair.
By the way, who left that window open???
It becomes a special task dusting using a brush and dustpan...

Mar. 12, 2016

What a wonderful going away party we had for 2 people that were very influential to us when we first arrived in Sunridge Park.

The day we arrived, Marg invited us to Happy Hour. Her words "you have been invited now; it's up to you; we will not invite you again".
That was our start to meeting some of the most awesome friends we have made in Yuma.
The laughs we have shared, be it games of baseball or just spending time together. Thanks go to Art looking out for me with our over zealous neighbour.
This couple from the first moment we met seemed just like family. We are going to miss you both. Happy hours will never be the same. 

We wish you well in your new endeavours & I know our paths will cross again. Take care love you guys.
Thank you to all who helped with making the going away party for Marg & Art such a success.
I know it was done with love.

Mar. 13, 2016

The ritual continues. A group of us are going for lunch at a local restaurant, not a chain restaurant.
It is named Happa's; Hawaiian food.

In the terminal of Yuma International Airport. On the concourse.
There are 27 of us; and they are ready for us.

 We are treated like special guests; it seems that everything has an Hawaiian touch, that the owner is proud to explain to us.
 The menu is simple enough and every dish reflects the theme of the restaurant.
The food, cooked fresh with every order, meets everyone's expectation.
The excellent service enhances the experience.

Another good choice, Heather.

Mar. 14, 2016

We seem to be able to find a reason to return to Mexico on a regular basis. Of course, it is never the margaritas...!!!

Hair dressing seems to be a common theme, be it a hair cut or another beauty enhancing procedure.
We have brought back some fresh asparagus that highlighted many of our dinners; and we keep coming back for more.

This time, we are on a mission: to find someone that could paint a sign for us (like only street artists in Algodones can do) that would be reflective of who we are and where we come from, to go with the plaque Elaine already had done previously.

We managed all of it, on a hot day; with the border crossing back in the U.S. being the most painful part.
The large crowd did not help the wait in the line-up in hot sun. The draw these days is the final supply of medication, liquor and decorative nick-knacks, on a last visit to Mexico, before the snowbirds return home.

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