Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Tubing down the Colorado River in Yuma, AZ-Mar. 9 , 2016

Note: the italic text is a contribution by Elaine; the non-italic text is Yvon's.

Mar. 9, 2016

Fantastic day tubing down the Colorado River. So much fun with friends from our park. It's not the age it's the state of mind.

In February, someone put forward the idea that it would be fun to "tube" down the Colorado River. Seemed like a neat thing to try and the thought started to develop.
March 1 was mentioned and the word went around.

As activities abound and schedules are amended from day to day, the date was later found unsuitable.
It was at one of the multiple community boardroom meetings (held around the pool, with one's favourite drink, commonly called Happy Hour) that March 9 was chosen as THE date.

The enthusiasm brought about various topics of discussion: transportation to and fro; proper attire to suit the weather and conditions; but mostly, types of flotation/propulsion devices. The latter promoting individual creativity...

So, today, being March 9, is the day!

There is 6 vehicles driving to the drop-in point, loaded with people (participants, helpers, photographers and simply interested on-lookers) and equipment of all kinds (sun screen stuff, apparel for the ride and after, propulsion and flotation devices with necessary inflating tools, etc...).

The drop-in point is located at the Gateway Park, in Yuma; under the I 8 bridge.
It is around 2:00 o'clock when the dip-in takes place under the watchful eyes of helpers and by-standers.
The count comes to 18 riders in 16 watercraft. The shining sun promises to keep the temperature around 85ºF, with a slight breeze from the west.

After a brief moment of "hooo" to adapt to the refreshing temperature of the water, and to adjust to the chosen floating devices, the water current and the enthusiasm take over.
And the ride is on.
It is about a mile to the landing point, at Centennial Beach.

We find out that the depth of the river varies from 6 to 42 inches; at some points, some navigators get grounded in the middle of the current.

The River runs from Arizona, at start point, in and out of California on the way, to Arizona at the landing point.
The ride is accentuated by some fierce water canon fights along the way, to keep refreshed.

Within about an hour, all the participants have landed. Amongst a lively crowd, the work start to pack up the gears and return to the park to enjoy the sun; and get ready for ...Happy Hour!

Someone called it a "seenagers" adventure!!

All in all, a very relaxing ride.

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